The Guild

The Future of .Gacha Guild.

After taking some moments to think about the future of GG following the news that gachas are to be outlawed on September 1st, we’ve decided to transition the event to be entirely a regular sales event. At present we’re not going to include any new systems to replace gachas or anything like that, it’ll just be straightforward, regular sales.

We will not be using any machines or systems that include a gambling/chance element or any stand-in systems to simulate it. It’s likely such systems are already being developed by many SL residents as we speak. Time will tell if those systems will be 100% approved by Linden Labs, and until then, they will not be allowed for use in the event.

Considering also our event has been called Gacha Guild, we thought it prudent to rename as well. We went through a lot of names and tried to think of ways to keep “GG” but nothing felt right. Though we settled on simply being called The Guild to keep some familiarity to what the event has been all these years. The logo will be redone to reflect this, but it will take a little time to create something nice. There’s a lot of things to change over, so we hope you all can have patience with us while we make them!

As for the October event, everything is still on track. The amazing work designers make will not be diminished because they’re not in gacha form and will be every bit as spectacular as they always have been. So we look forward to seeing you all in October for the Dia de los Muertos festivities!

Much love,

.The Guild. Team